
Hi. Call me Nevi. I also go by Moppy, Afniel, and Lunar...Nevi's my usual gaming name though so let's make it simple and stick with that for FFXIV purposes.

I use he/him or singular they/them pronouns. I'm in my middly-late-30s, Pacific timezone, mostly available whenever but I prefer to schedule a little bit ahead if possible since I'm disabled, so I can make sure to have things lined up around home to let me focus on our RP.

I'm also an artist! And yes, I do frequently have hair that shade of green, although I mess around with it and sometimes chop it all off to start over.

Outside of RP, I craft, run content, and am the leader of Blue Horizon on Balmung. Check us out if you're looking for a chill, LGBTQIA-friendly FC to call home.

OOC Info

I've been RPing for over a decade, starting with tabletop D&D and eventually picking up RP in FFXIV as well. I'm fairly lore-strict, although that doesn't mean I dislike creativity—I just want to write stories that make sense with the lore as we know it. That being said, the lore is broad and a lot of things are possible! I'm not a fan of massive amounts of description. I like a good back-and-forth pace with a few lines at a time over long paragraphs.

As I mentioned back at the start, I'm disabled, mostly with chronic pain as well as fatigue, and ADHD on top of that. Mostly this means I handle the household side of life for my partner and I, so my freest hours are generally early afternoon Pacific time. My memory's better than it's been, but it's still kind of spotty, so if any of my characters seem to be forgetting something they should know, just say something, I've probably forgotten it myself and need my memory jogged.

RP Preferences

In handy list format, because that's easy for everyone.

  • Lore-ish. If something doesn't overtly break any hard setting rules and feels like it fits, I'm probably into it.

  • Short reply or single paragraph.

  • Slice of life/fluff and heavy plot are both good! Variety is the spice of life, after all.

  • Smaller groups are better, I have massive trouble with chat scroll above 4-5 actively RPing people.

  • Not a big fan of walk-ups, especially mid-scene. If you want to join, eavesdrop, or whatever, just ask. I might say no thank you, but I won't bite.

  • Definitely prefer coherent characters with understandable motivations and realistic enough reactions to events.

  • Low to moderate power level—scene-breaking abilities, invincible fighters, instant healing, WoL-type combat prowess, etc. just aren't fun for me. I tend to write characters that could reasonably be talented NPCs and am looking for similar.

  • In-game is my preferred way to RP. Discord is a hard maybe, for people+characters that I already know, and it's harder on my attention span.

  • Romance depends heavily on the character as well as IC interaction, but if the chemistry's there, I'm generally down for it.

  • General and mature themes both fine, but see the list below for some caveats.

Hard No List

  • Heavy drug use/addiction—alcohol, tobacco, weed, and in-world equivalents are okay, but if it's anything heavier, please let me know what you have in mind before bringing it into a scene.

  • Sexual assault. Never ever, thanks.

  • ERP or other adult content involving characters or writers who are under 18.

  • Anything overtly homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise bigoted. I know exploring subjects doesn't mean you approve of them; I just don't want to explore them either.

  • Expecting IRL romance. Won't happen, I have a partner I'm very happy with and not looking for anything with anyone else.

  • Other-universe/franchise insert characters, any concepts that would cause my own characters to have to entirely break from lore to accommodate them (note: the First/other Shard characters are fine, since those actually do exist in-universe).

  • Characters who are the actual Warrior of Light, or anything equivalently overpowered or singularly important (less-powerful NPCs are chill though). I'll write with high-powered characters, but only if they're written with some balance and don't try to use their power to solve everything without any conflict or development.

  • Random or nonstop violence—I very much prefer to write realistic-ish injuries and healing times, which is pretty incompatible with characters who use potentially lethal force just to say hello. And having fights break out every other scene just isn't interesting for me personally.

  • Character death or mutilation. Not my cuppa. Probably no torture, but if it comes up somehow we can talk about it.

  • First person or script-style writing. I'm about that complete descriptive sentence life.

  • No god-modding or metagaming.

  • No consequence-free RP. That being said, if something happens that you as a writer later come to regret, let me know, I'm open to retcons and rewrites.

  • I realize this one's really fiddly, but being told either IC or OOC anything along the lines of "you're too smart to be this stupid." If my character seems that dumb, it's probably because I have IRL forgotten something important to the scene, and having had undiagnosed ADHD for 30+ years, I have a lot of hangups about this phrase, so please just reach out to me OOC instead if it ever comes up. (One exception: Famiel might actually be that dumb, or at least acting, but this is an intentional part of his character that I have a pretty good handle on, and it doesn't blindside me the same as a result.)

What About ERP?

  • If I'm in the mood for it and I have the time, and you seem alright, maybe!

  • Preferably during the day, because I really can't focus if anyone else is home.

  • Again: all writers AND characters have to be 18+, no ifs, ands, or buts.

  • Pretty much all of my characters are at least to some degree queer; I myself am queer and trans. If you identify your character or others as certain slurs, we probably won’t get along, sorry. (F*ta, c*ntboy, sh*male, tr*nny, d*ckgirl, etc. need not apply, please. Can make an exception if you’re trans and reclaiming a label for yourself. Yes, I know this is some picky SJW-sounding stuff, them’s the breaks.)

  • Nevivi is 40+ years old and doesn't ICly resemble her ingame model's obviously childish body type whatsoever. She’s busty, curvy, generally thicc, and looks, thinks, and behaves her age. I have zero interest in loli/shota/ageplay. I'm here for the size difference, NOT the age difference.

  • My partner is aware that I ERP and they're fine with it. Details will be shared with them if they ask for them, though they usually don’t.

Character Availability

  • Nevivi — ⭕️ Pansexual. Aromantic. Generally adventurous, generally DTF, generally a switch, though she really likes receiving from people with dicks. Don’t expect any emotional entanglement, though, she’s very casual about it. Has a friend with benefits, but it’s an open, non-romantic relationship.

  • Lenneth — ⭕️ Homosexual. Homoromantic. Polyamorous. 100% a switch, whatever you might assume from his mannerisms. Flirty, but a little picky about personality. Not terribly likely to catch feelings from a fling, but it’s happened. Has two boyfriends currently, not looking for another but not opposed either.

  • Famiel — ❌ He’s never given much thought to orientation or even sex, for that matter, though he likely just doesn’t care much. Tentatively panromantic. Tentatively pansexual. Probably impossible, though. He’s far too wholesome unless it were to come about from a long-term relationship.

  • J’vanoh — ❓ He also hasn’t thought about orientation much. Tentatively pansexual. Tentatively panromantic. He’s a trans man with some dysphoria about his body, so it would take a lot of communication and trust and probably plot to start.

  • Afnielle — ❓ Pansexual, leans heavily towards women. Homoromantic. Boys are fun, but girls are where her heart is. Will do pretty much anything a partner wants; kind of submissive for big, beefy ladies. Not really a character I actually want to ERP as though.

  • Kanai —⭕️ Pansexual, avoids romance, unusual anatomy.

  • Raythe — ❌ Just asking her would get you laughed at, if not lit on fire. She's not at all interested.

RP Characters

Click any name to see that character's information. All characters are on Balmung, Crystal datacenter.

Nevivi Nevi

Age - 40s

Race - Plainsfolk Lalafell

Gender - Female

Orientation - Aromantic pansexual

Occupation - Conjurer and chirurgeon, runs her own clinic for the disadvantaged (and moonlights as a street doc for poachers and pirates)

Appearance - Plump, curvy all over, and not at all like her ingame model. Nevivi is unashamedly proud of her body and its assets, taking good care of her skin and hair and dressing to accentuate her shape. She tends to favor purple moreso than other colors.

Personality - Chipper, upbeat, with a bit of a smart mouth and a tendency to be crass. She's easy to get along with and difficult to annoy, although she doesn't have much of an internal filter at times and some can find her sheer forwardness a little off-putting.

History - Nevivi took up conjury after a conjurer worked tirelessly to save her father and youngest sister from grave injuries and illness after they were all displaced by the Calamity from their home in Boughbury. Her parents wanted her to take over the family leatherworking business, but she felt she had a life debt to repay by taking up the healer's cane. For a time after graduating from Stillglade Fane, she worked in the Black Shroud as a Free Company's resident healer, then struck out to found her own Free Company, finding a new home in the Mist with Blue Horizon. Unbeknownst to the Fane, she regularly makes secret trips into the deep Twelveswood, where she's on good terms with almost every poaching gang that resides there: she provides healing and medicine to them without judgement or fee, and they grant her passage and protection to gather whatever she needs from the woods.

Notes - She can get surprisingly nervous around pretty women. Loves cooking for others and will give out her 'Shroud-famous' egg salad sandwiches completely unprovoked.

Lenneth Andrew

Age - 30s

Race - Dalmascan Elezen

Gender - Male

Orientation - Gay

Occupation - Alchemist and arcanist

Appearance - While he tends to project an underwhelming bookworm vibe, Lenneth is surprisingly toned, hiding a fair amount of strength in his long, wiry frame. He has geometric tattoos down the entirety of both arms, and dresses very sharply, especially in dark blues, violets, and grays. He keeps his goatee smartly trimmed.

Personality - Sharp-witted but socially inept. He tries his best, and wants to make friends, but his social anxiety and unfortunately-ingrained Imperial upbringing don't make it very easy for him. Still, he's managed to open up somewhat in the past couple of years, and when someone does manage to overcome his walls, he makes a startlingly loyal friend. Not good at telling emotions apart, however.

History - Born in Garlean-occupied Dalmasca, Lenneth's life was not an easy one. He was too weak for the mines or the military, so he carved his own path selling illicit substances and information...until Frumentarium caught wind of him trying to sell confidential Magitek plans, and he fled, stowing away and then shipping himself in a crate from Radz-at-Han to Limsa Lominsa. Fortunately for him, not long after he arrived, he chanced into meeting with his childhood friend Atherton (for whom he'd carried a torch the entire time). He settled in the Mist with Blue Horizon, taking up a legitimate day job as an alchemist for a change.

Notes - Loves spicy food and warm climates. Also learning Eorzean Sign Language. Absolutely terrible at summoning carbuncles, due to learning a different school of arcanima, but he makes up for it with a broader spread of other abilities.

Famiel Darcy

Age - 20s

Race - Hyur of some sort

Gender - Male

Orientation - ?

Occupation - Airship co-pilot and navigator with Eorzean Exports, LLC

Appearance - Tall and broad enough to be half-Highlander, and maybe he even is, but he couldn't tell you for sure. Life under the Thanalan sun gave him freckles and sun-streaked hair, which he usually keeps around shoulder length. He has a definite Wholesome Boy Next Door vibe.

Personality - A big lad with a big puppy personality, Famiel likes almost everyone he meets, and is very hard to perturb. He's also kind of oblivious, especially when it's convenient for him to be. Whether he's actually a himbo or it's just an act to get out of doing work he doesn't want to do is anyone's guess.

History - Orphaned at an extremely young age, Famiel grew up in the Silver Bazaar. As the Silver Bazaar's economy dwindled, though, the orphanage closed, and he found himself on the streets of Ul'dah. Being big for his age made it easy to claim to be older than he was, and he fibbed his way to working at the Bloodsands, quickly taking up the gladiator's sword himself and doing well enough to get by. Along with his friend Dek, he dreamed of joining the Sultansworn, so after a few years they both became Brass Blades, hoping to make a name for themselves. Dek dug too deep into what turned out to be a major conspiracy, though, and he was framed; after his fall and ejection from the Blades, Famiel turned his own sword in too, and they left their shared dream behind to find work. They ended up hired by Eorzean Exports, LLC as porters, then moved up to become...well, not exactly pilots themselves, but one functioning pilot between them, thanks to Dek's intuitive sense of wind aether, and Famiel's uncanny ability to never get lost.

Notes - Has the Echo, and also severe dyslexia. Not-so-secretly a huge fan of the Songbirds and collects any merchandise of theirs he can get his hands on. Almost never found without Dek nearby.

J'vanoh Tia

Age - 20s

Race - Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te

Gender - Trans male

Orientation - ?

Occupation - Whatever he can get

Appearance - Fluffy, purple, and short, though not physically weak. J'vanoh has scruffy facial hair and a stubby poof of a tail. Having grown up tribal, he tends to have very catlike body language, with expressive ears and tail and the posture of a hunter.

Personality - Has something to prove, even if he's not quite sure what it is. Loud, a bit brash, and a lot impulsive, though he ultimately means no harm...he just gets into a lot of trouble via opening his mouth.

History - Born into the J Tribe under Garlean occupation, J'vanoh was a capable hunter and forager from a young age. He struck up a deal with a local Garlean alchemist that he would hunt down whatever reagents they wanted, and in return, they'd pay him in whatever alchemical concoctions he wished. Puberty, however, happened to him in a way that was visibly not at all what his sisters had expected...so he struck out on his own, taking the very long way to Ul'dah, where he decided he'd win fame and fortune as a gladiator, only to find himself outclassed so badly that the stable kept him on more or less as an occasional slapstick comedy act that doubled as full-time cheap labor. After a few years, he scraped together enough coin to get out and began taking on various odd jobs instead.

Notes - J'vanoh passes completely, other than being a bit on the runty side. He also hasn't really been RPed at all but I'd like to change that.

Afnielle Realtais

Age - 30s

Race - Wildwood Elezen...?

Gender - Female

Orientation - Lesbian-ish

Occupation - Bard

Appearance - Short and busty for an Elezen, she's got lovely bright forest-green eyes, nimble fingers, and very long legs. (And embarrassingly small ears...) She keeps her hair short and abhors long dresses or trousers, preferring knee-high boots and shorts or skirts. Could be the poster girl for Eorzean soft butch.

Personality - Snarky, quick with a tune, and exceedingly flirty with the ladies, with whom she's usually a hit. Still, there's a superficial sense to her charm, as though it might just be part of the larger act...not that she ever seems to drop the act, if indeed it is one.

History - Born and raised in Gridania proper, Afnielle displayed a musical gift from an early age, and her parents encouraged it, hiring the best instructors they could afford. Eventually she landed a cushy position in a minor Ishgardian noble house, as tutor to their daughter. The two were close in age and seemed to hit it off quite well...until Afnielle suddenly resigned and left, citing vague family issues. She eventually took up residence at the Wanderer's Elysium as a performer, though her inspiration hasn't quite been what it used to be ever since.

Notes - I used to some sometimes perform as Afnielle, but she's a very dramatic handful, so I don't really RP as her much. Also my inspiration for her tends to vanish the moment anyone asks her a direct question and she goes "welp I have to go disappear for another six months byeee" which is very unhelpful of her.

Kanai Nagamichi

Age - 30s...?

Race - Raen

Gender - Male

Orientation - ?

Occupation - Retainer to the daughter of a noble Hingan family

Appearance - Tall, tanned, and well-traveled, with an easy manner. His hair tends to be a bit of a windswept mess, and he has many scars both from fang and sword, though he doesn't often show them. He has a fondness for painting his face in Xaelic fashion.

Personality - Jocular, friendly, and open, he has no problems sliding into any place and making himself immediately at home. Always seems to have a funny anecdote for any occasion. Just don't threaten his ward.

History - ?

Notes - Easily the most WIP of my roster, and probably the most out-there. His history does exist, but it's left open to speculation.

Raythe Grey

Age - 19

Race - Miqo'te...?

Gender - Female

Orientation - ?

Occupation - Good luck trying to get her to have one...

Appearance - Short, slender, and sharp-edged, with gray hair and golden eyes. Her tail is long and whippy, and she wears dark colors, with the occasional gold or green accent. Raythe is almost never seen without her staff.

Personality - Something's not quite right with Raythe. She's withdrawn, even sullen, given to dealing with problems by blasting them with magic, and seems to hold very little regard for rules, or other people for that matter. Rebellious and antagonistic, she is not at all easy to befriend, if one even felt so inclined after meeting her.

History - ?

Notes - Never mind, Raythe is the official new most out-there character in my whole roster.